Wednesday, February 21, 2007

When the Sun Shines

The sun is shining again after a month of frequent rain making me a very happy person. Rainy season is not technically over yet - rains will continue off-and-on until March - but it is certainly slowing down and it is a very welcome change. It is wonderful to wake up in the morning and see nothing but brilliant blue sky, especially after waking up every day to the drudgery of endless miles of dark grey cloud.

The sunshine has also had many very practical applications in my life. I can take my bike to school every day again instead of having to weigh the odds of rain and choose to take the bus. Another perk is that the muddy roads that resulted in slow travelling and dirty trousers have now dried up and are passible again. Some roads had turned into large lakes and you had to cling to a very narrow mud path around the edge, fighting for space with vegetation and other pedestrians, while trying to avoid slipping into the murky waters.

The sun also puts me in a much better mood. After weeks of cloud I found myself a little grumpy and I think it might have had something to do with the weather. With the sun in the sky nothing can bother me. For the first few months after I arrived in Zambia I hardly saw a single cloud. I almost had to remind myself what they were when they started to appear. I'm really looking forward to going back to that picture perfect weather for the rest of my stay - especially when it starts to cool down a bit in a couple of months.

The blue sky here is wonderful. It has a depth and texture all its own. When you look around and see nothing but but blue and try and stare into it for awhile, I am made very aware of my finite smallness. That may sound a little cliche, but its the truth.

Its another sunny day, which makes it another good day in the life of Stefan.

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