Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Top 5 Made in Zambia Products...and the Top 5 Things Zambia Should Import

The government here has recently bemoaned the slow start to the "Buy Zambian!" advertisement campaign. I guess I'll do my part by highlighting what I think are the top 5 made in Zambia products that I use on a regular basis. I'll balance this out with the top 5 products that Zambia should import because they are made here so poorly (aka the top 5 worst products made in Zambia). While making this list though, I realized that many of the items on my list were probably actually made in Zimbabwe. So maybe it is the things that should be acquired from somewhere other than Zambia or Zimbabwe.

1. Cabana and Maheu - these are two beverages that have won a place in my heart. The former is a milky-fruit drink, the other is a maize based sweet beverage that not only quenches your thirst but satisfies your hunger.

2. Chiccos (see today's post).

3. Peanut butter - Zambia actually makes some pretty decent peanut butter. And, judging by the label on the side of the container, it is really quite natural - just some peanuts, oil, and salt.

4. Laundry paste - Zambia has many different militaristic-sounding brands that all, for some reason start with 'B'. The main ones are "Boom" and "Bullet" but there is a third one that I've seen around called "Bazooka." Watch TV for a few minutes and you will see plenty of advertisements for the first two.

5. Grenadilla Squash - Squash is something made by many companies in Zambia (some much better than others). You use it to make water into juice. Just pour a little into the bottom third of your cup and add water to the top. Grenadilla (aka passion fruit) is by far the best flavour. My host dad used to always by Pineapple flavour (and I think had been for years) but when he discovered Grenadilla once by accident he will never go back, and I am thankful for it.

The Top 5 Things Zambia Really Needs to Import (or should get from somewhere other than Zimbabwe):
1. Television: anything Zambian made on television is, at its best, the equivalent of a local cable channel in North America. At its worst you can see the actor start the camera before entering the scene. Fortunately, much of Zambian TV is already imported (from all over the world, I might add).

2. Jam: I'm not actually sure if the jam here is made in Zambia or in Zimbabwe. All I know is that the "Mixed Fruit" jam that most people eat is far removed from fruit. I think they just stick a few apple cores and melon rinds in a blender, add some sugar, and call it jam. Some people say it tastes like ketchup. I don't quite see that, but I'm looking forward to real jam.

3. Margarine: I reported earlier that Gold Band margarine smelt so bad that I could hardly have it as the same table as me. I maintain that stance and won't touch the stuff. It is just so incredibly bad one wonders how they are able to call it margarine.

4. OK, I've run out of ideas and I have to get going. Nothing is really manufactured in Zambia. I should have realized this before attempting the list. After all, I am teaching this to my Grade 9 Civics class right now. Zambia exports agricultural products (ie sugar and maize), and minerals (especially copper) but imports manufactured goods. No wonder this side of the list never got very far.

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