Monday, March 19, 2007

The Shirt Off My Back

This Sunday I visited one of the major local craft markets to stock up on my African craft collection. It was actually quite a successful visit, which peaked when I was able to trade the shirt off my back.

Often venders offer to trade something instead of making you buy it, but this is usually a plot to suck you in and then eventually get the item plus a little money. I, however, was not to be ensnared by such trickery. I was wearing a green golf shirt that was far too big for me and on the verge of being permanently sweat stained. I had another t-shirt in my bag and so when the vender offered to trade I offered the shirt I was wearing. He was interested and then we began the long process of haggling over the price. At first we were looking at masks but after lengthy discussions about the masks (he wanted shirt + money), we moved on to other items. Occasionally I would pretend to walk away in order to get the negotiations going the way I wanted them too. Finally I got him to a small drum and three wire lizards. At this point he wanted my shirt plus K2000 to buy a drink. I, however, wanted this to be a completely bartered transaction. I remembered that I had a little water left in my bottle from lunch. So I offered my shirt and about 200 mLs of water. That deal stuck and I whipped off my shirt and gave it to him right there and then.

Not every day that you can trade the shirt off your back for something!

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