Monday, December 04, 2006

Thank You Hollywood

Thank you Hollywood for celebrating World AIDS Day.

Thank you for granting us a few minutes of your celebrities' time to record ads for our listening pleasure. We now know to "strap it on before we get it on."

Thank you MTV for your anti-AIDS concert. I'm sure that many were entertained. Now you can spend the next 364 days using sex to sell your programming.

Thank you Madonna. If only there were millions of celebrities with savvy publicists there would be no orphans in Africa!

Thank you GAP for selling RED shirts and donating half the profits to AIDS efforts. It is good that you have found a way to profit off the consciences of the fashion obsessed.

Thank you Geri Halliwell. I'm sure that while you are lounging in luxury hotels you spend your time musing about the impoverished women you visited here. At least you didn't need an orphan as a souvenir.

Thank you Hollywood for caring. At least while you waste countless millions on useless luxuries your consciences will rest easy knowing that you did something for those "poor" African orphans you saw on TV.

I'm sure that the kids of Chipata or Ng'ombe, Matero or Chilenje, feel better today knowing that you care for them (while you spend more money than they will ever know).

At least the kids don't deceive themselves. In many ways they will be richer than you ever know.

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