Saturday, November 25, 2006

Let The Rain Begin!

When I tell people that Canada has no rainy season jaws drop almost as much as when I tell them we have no staple food. The four season system might as well be from Mars. I'm told told that November is supposed to be the beginning of the rainy season although so far not much has happened. There have been two or three rains that were pretty heavy by my thinking but, according to the locals, they were not "good" rains. I'm wondering what kind of sustained down pour qualifies as a "good" rain. The wonderful thing about the rains is that everything cools down to quite a comfortable temperature and, if the rain happens at night, I'm not inconvenienced in the least. The downside, of course, is the potential for getting soaked on a long bike ride home. So far this hasn't happened, but I'm guessing it is only a matter of time.

The weather for the first couple of months here was amazing. I think the temperature was in the mid to high 20s everyday and cooled off nicely at night. Every day was sunny and warm. I never even had to think of if I should be preparing for adverse weather - it just never came. October and November are the "hot" months and I am very glad to be coming to the end of them. Temperatures in the high 30s were not uncommon. I would sit in my room and sweat would be pouring from my face. Not a pleasant experience to say the least. I guess that is why people like the rains so much. After every rain the temperature is really quite moderate. A good thing, considering that wearing shorts outside of the home is taboo, and work clothes are always fairly formal.

The rains appear to have picked up now. We had a little yesterday morning, and again in the night. The clouds currently threaten more rains - enough so that I left the bike at home today. I hope we get a really good dousing soon so I can experience what is meant by the "good rains."

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