Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Trip to Victoria Falls

Probably the most frequent touristy question I received, both before leaving for Zambia and now that I am here, is when I would see Victoria Falls. I can answer now that I have indeed seen this awe-inspiring site.

It is now near the end of dry season so there was not a whole lot of water in the falls - and the water that was there was on the Zimbabwean side so could only be seen from a distance. This, however, afforded us the opportunity of climbing across the rocks that will, in a couple of months, be under water. It was very neat to walk across much of the face of the falls - there are some very impressive rock formations formed as the water drives into rocks with tremendous force and the cliffs are staggeringly tall. This is truly one of the seven natural wonders of the world!

The rest of the day was spent taking in the Livingstone Museum, exploring the sites of downtown Livingstone, and then meeting up with the Choma Secondary School sports teams whom had given us the ride to Livingstone from Choma. All in all, a great day and a great chance to see Zambia's most famous attraction.

We rode back in the back of a lorry - a common method of transporting large numbers of people. I'm not sure how many of us there were because there were a few sports teams, accompanying teachers, and us hangers on. We certainly filled the space though - benches were placed in the middle and then some kids sat precariously on the edges. I was thankful to be sitting at the front on the "teacher's bench" which at least had a solid wall behind us.

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